The world’s first full-stack fraud prevention solution combining transaction risk analysis, threat detection, and user behavior profiling capabilities in integrated analytics.
ThreatMark uses its own research in behavioral biometrics and the latest advances in machine learning to distinguish legitimate customers from cybercriminals, in real time.

Minimize Fraud and Credit Risks
ThreatMark uses AI-based anomaly detection and global identity intelligence to detect advanced fraud threats, including those that employ social engineering, phishing, malware, and zero-day attacks.

Distinguish Legitimate Users from Fraudsters
ThreatMark has developed a unique solution to detect anomalies in user behavior, making it possible to verify user identity and expose fraudulent signups and other malicious online activities.

Strike a Balance between Security and Usability
ThreatMark adds an extra layer of invisible protection to your existing authentication system to keep your customers safe without the hassle (and cost) of two-factor authentication.
Problems We Solve
Online banking fraud, Identity theft, PSD2 compliance, Strong Customer Authentication, device profiling, fingerprinting, transaction monitoring, transaction risk analysis, Phishing, banking malware, web scraping, screen scraping, BOTs, Banker Trojans, Impersonation, account takeover, session takeover, account signup fraud, account opening fraud, new account origination fraud and many more …